webODV provides online Ocean Data View (ODV, services like the extraction, analysis, exploration and visualization of oceanographic and other environmental data. webODV is developed by Dr. Sebastian Mieruch-Schnülle and Prof. Dr. Reiner Schlitzer at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in Bremerhaven, Germany.
Large ocean, atmosphere, sediment, ice and river data for analysis, exploration and visualization. No registration.
The webODV implementation in the frame of the EGI-ACE project provides large ocean datasets from the global Argo program and the SeaDataNet infrastructure.
Explore, subset, visualize, and extract data sets in multiple formats from the harmonized, standardized, validated data collections that EMODnet Chemistry is regularly producing and publishing for all European sea basins for eutrophication and contaminants.
The webODV Data Extractor service for fast and easy data subsetting and downloading (netcdf, odv, ASCII). The webODV Data Exploration service, the "ODV-online" for the analysis and visualization of the GEOTRACES data set. Start with pre-created "views", which can be loaded. No authentication required.
One of the longest running open ocean time-series on our planet, the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) can now be accessed using webODV.
webODV for MOSAiC, the largest polar expedition in history. The German icebreaker Polarstern was trapped in the ice from October 2019 to October 2020. Access atmospheric, ocean and ice data and more.
HIFIS provides a private webODV implementation. Users can import their own data and work with ODV-online in "ReadWrite" mode. One time registration at Helmholtz needed. Login via your institute, Google, GitHub, ORCID.
webODV is based on the Ocean Data View software devolped by R. Schlitzer at the AWI. Extensive documentation is available at
webODV development has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 and Seventh Framework Programmes under grant agreement numbers 730960 SeaDataCloud.
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